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目錄 購物車 {{currentCart.getItemCount()}}
Donner HUSH X 超輕靜音性能無頭聲學電吉他 附可拆卸框架 琴袋和配件

Donner HUSH X 超輕靜音性能無頭聲學電吉他 附可拆卸框架 琴袋和配件

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Donner HUSH-X Electric Guitar Kit

  • [最佳旅行夥伴] - Donner HUSH 便攜式吉他與筆記型電腦一樣輕巧,採用無頭設計、按鈕調諧器和可拆卸框架。 這款演出包的尺寸為 33 x 7.7 x 2.2 英吋(約 85.1 x 17.0 x 5.6 公分),可放入飛機架空箱中。 隨身攜帶音樂。
  • [隨時隨地練習] - 超安靜 30-45dB 等級彈奏,配備前置放大器系統可通過耳機或 6.35 連接埠輸出提供自然的聲學音調。 配備的 9V 電池供電,提供 50 小時耳機使用,或使用 30 天。您可以在舞台上欣賞表演或在家中或學校宿舍安靜地練習,而不必擔心電池電量不足或噪音滋擾。 ​
  • [卓越的音質] - 理想的練習吉他配有防相位鍵,可消除噪音、消除反饋和更純淨的聲音。 2 段式均衡器和音量旋鈕允許定制音調,無論是彈奏和弦還是獨奏。
  • [讓練習更舒適] - HUSH 旅行原聲吉他具有不對稱的吉他頸,可幫助玩家在較高和較低的頸部位置表現更好,同時減少長時間練習時的手腕疲勞。 HUSH-I 的客製化圓形包衣適合初學者使用,有助於在練習過程中防止手指割傷。
  • [隱藏式調音鍵] - 隱藏式收納,防掉落磁鐵設計調音鍵適用於頸部調音、底部調音器和框架螺絲安裝,確保您不會輕易丟失這款小巧而重要的配件。

  • Travel-Friendly Companion: HUSH-X electric guitar continues its headless portable design weighing only 4.4 pounds, half the volume of a traditional electric guitar. The gig bag can fit in the airplane overhead bin. Take music on the go with you
  • Plug and Play: HUSH-X electric guitar upgraded quick assemble brackets solve the tedious disassembly, allowing you to realize assembly and disassembly in one second.
  • Enhanced Playing Comfort: Wider brackets are engineered to conform to your body's curves, providing optimal support and comfort. A progressive asymmetrical neck reduces pressure on the wrist.
  • Flawless Performance Stability: HUSH-X Headless Guitar Tuning System offers superior sustain and individual adjustability for string length and action. Combined with customized string locking technology and zero-fret design, effectively addresses the issue of headless guitars going out of tune, maintaining a more consistent playing experience.
  • Enjoy the Exceptional Tones: HUSH-X tone control system features a 3-way switch with volume and tone, coupled with an active/passive circuit switch design, enabling three distinct tonal combinations. Virtually spanning across any playing style.


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